Waste Management – Demolition Services – Waste Disposal – Environmentally Friendly – Permanent Skip Bins

Waste Management

Waste Management is a combination of all our services giving your company a full waste solution. Increasing your profit and cutting your cost, while adding value to your company in terms of documentation and disposing of your company waste in the most environmentally friendly manner possible.

We evaluate your site. Offering our over 40 years of experience in stream lining your waste output. Cutting unnecessary handling, while at the same time increase the value of your scrap.

Free collection of scrap metal and Non-ferrous metals, with the Best prices paid. Permanent skip bins, drop side trucks and bakkies/van collections at your service, with a less that 24hrs turnaround time.
Our Management system, forces zeroed scales and it is fully tamper proof, insuring our customers that no skimming takes place on our scales.
We also have live monitoring on all our vehicles, to guarantee the safety of our clients loads.

Waste disposal, with minimal collection fees. Waste Skips are sorted, waste analysis supplied per load and recycles materials removed to boost your companies green efficiency and cut our costs.
Waste disposal certificates are issued, with an endorsement letter from the Ekurhuleni municipality. This is normally done yearly to coincide with financial year end, but they can be requested as you need.

We also offer our demolition services on steel structures at no charge; in fact we still pay you the going rate for the scrap metal recovered.

Site cleaning and brick demolition is done at already agreed upon rate for your waste skips, the waste removed will simple be added to your month bill as a waste skip.
Freeing your staff to focus on the work they are employed to do. The more productive your company, the more we stand to benefit from your increased scrap/waste created by the increase in your production.

Our Site teams are always accompanied by a site manager. All our vehicles and staff are fully covered by our onsite insurance.

This holistic approach has shown its value to Concord as well as our customers. Showing us growth alongside our customers.

Site Evaluation – Dropside Trucks – Waste Analysis – Onsite Insurance – Site Cleaning – Brick Demolition